I-Beam - prices updated 28.11.2018 to 8:59
I-Beam is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online:
Presents the actual prices for metal. I-Beam is available in our various branches, you can choose the branch you need, the type and size of products and order online. Attention Prices are subject to prepayment! There is a surcharge for a batch of less than 1 ton, more details from the manager.
Product Name | Size | Length | Other | Weight 1 PC/kg. |
On stock (ton) |
Price 1 PC |
Price 1 - 5 tons |
Price от 5 - 15 tons |
Price > 15 tons |
Branch | Товаров нет |
I-Beam - техническая информация: |
Beam. I-beams – standard profile of structural elements from black rolled having a cross section close in shape to the letter “H”.Beam I-profile beam stronger than a similar square profile cross-sectional area.Steel I-beam is one of the most popular and widespread type of profiles used in construction, the manufacture of large metal structures, bridge structures, column metal structures, supporting structures and suspended tracks. Due to their high strength, they are used in responsible supporting structures. Today, the main producer of I-beams is NTMK (Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Plant), producing an I-beam according to GOST 26020-83 , I-beam GOST 8239-89 and according to its own TU СТО АСЧМ 20-93 slightly different from GOST.
Range of I-beams
Hot-tee beams. H-beam СТО АСЧМ 20-93 with parallel edges of the flanges according to the ratio of sizes and shape of the profile, have 3 following types: normal, wide-flange, columnar and denoted by the indices B, W, K.
Index B - normal H-beams 20B, 25B, 30B, 35B, 40B, 45B, 50B, 55B, 60B, 70B.
Index Sh - wide- flange W-beam 20Sh, 25Sh, 30Sh, 35Sh, 40Sh, 45Sh, 50Sh, 60Sh, 70Sh, 80Sh, 90Sh, 100Sh.
Index K - column I-beam 20K, 25K, 30K, 35K, 40K
I-beam GOST 19425-74 is a special beam, produced in two types, denoted by the index M and C.
Index M is a monorail beam, popularly called the “ crane beam” specifically for 18M, 20M, 24M, 30M, 36M, 45M outboard railways
Index C - steel beam for the reinforcement of mine shafts.
Special I-beams are divided by accuracy on:
A - high accuracy; B-normal accuracy.
Table of I-beams dimensions and weight:
GOST 8239-89 Hot-rolled steel tees
Beam 09G2C produced according the СТО АСЧМ 20-93 standard by NTMK (Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant). For steel used in the manufacture of low-alloy beams, the norms of GOST 19281-89 and GOST 27772-88 are applied. Steel 09G2C corresponds to steel for building structures of C345. Alloying (dopant) components are introduced into steel to increase structural strength. The advantage of the 09G2C beam is that they are not positioned to temper embrittlement and cracking, and are also resistant to high and low temperatures (-70 ° C at 450 ° C). Metal rolling 09G2C steel is widely used in construction, production of large metal structures in the north of our country due to low temperatures. You can buy a beam 09G2C at any of our warehouses, for this you need to call the manager or leave a request. There are normal H-beams 09G2C 20B1, 25B1, 25B2, 30B1,30B2, 35B1, 35B2, 40B1, 40B2, 45B1, 45B2, 50B1, 50B2, 55B1, 55B2, 60B2 Wide flange beam 09G2C 20SH1, 25SH1, 30SH1, 30SH2, 35SH1, 35SH2, 40SH1, 40SH2, 50SH1, 50SH2, 60SH1, 60SH2.
Column Beam 09G2C 20K1, 20K2, 25K1, 25K2, 30K1, 30K2, 35K1, 35K2, 40K1, 40K2, 40K3, 40K4, 40K5. Crane beam 24M 09G2C
Buy H-beam
You can buy an H-beam of all types and sizes produced from us from the warehouses of the Moscow region or directly from the plant, as well as from any of our branches in the central region of Russia.
We provide comprehensive services for cutting, picking and delivery of I-beams.
Availability, range of I-beams, I-beam price you can see in the price . Also, more detailed information about the price per meter, specify the weight of the I-beam , make the calculation of the beam , draw up an invoice, about payment options by contacting our manager by phone. Use the free “call back” service , or make a request for metal right now by filling out a simple form, it will take you a couple of minutes.
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